To provide names for Global Datasets that are more helpful than "Data1", "Data2", etc, many of the numbered Global Datasets also have a purpose-oriented alias. For example, Data6 has the alias DATA_Company, and Data11 has the alias DATA_Product.The list of aliases is included below.
The purpose-oriented name aliases are references the corresponding numbered dataset objects. Be careful when using both name-based and number-based references in script. For example, an update to DATA_Company is also an update to Data6 (and vice versa).
Global Dataset | Purpose-Oriented Alias |
Data4 | DATA_Self |
Data5 | DATA_SelfLine |
Data6 | DATA_Company |
Data7 | DATA_Host |
Data8 | DATA_Branch |
Data9 | DATA_Supplier |
Data10 |
DATA_Customer; also |
Data11 | DATA_Product |
Data12 | DATA_AccountUser |
Data13 | DATA_AdminUser |
Data14 | DATA_PartnerUser |
Data15 | DATA_PartnerUser2 |
Data16 | DATA_PO |
Data17 | DATA_SO |
Data18 | DATA_ASNIN |
Data19 | DATA_ASNOUT |
Data20 | DATA_GR |
Data21 | DATA_CRINV |
Data22 | DATA_DRINV |
Data23 | DATA_CRRMT |
Data24 | DATA_DRRMT |
Data25 | DATA_POL |
Data26 | DATA_SOL |
Data27 | DATA_ASNINL |
Data29 | DATA_GRL |
Data30 | DATA_CRINVL |
Data31 | DATA_DRINVL |
Data32 | DATA_CRRMTL |
Data33 | DATA_DRRMTL |
Data34 | DATA_Document |
Data35 | DATA_Price |
Data36 | DATA_CustomerShip |
Data37 | DATA_Address |
Data38 | DATA_RepUser |
Data39 | DATA_UOM |
Data40 | DATA_Category |
Data41 | DATA_ProductCustomer |
Data42 | DATA_ProductSupplier |
Data43 | DATA_Country |
Data44 | DATA_Region |